Alright.. So I helped out during the F1 event in Spore.
It was hell. Tiring.
I was the butler, offering VVIPs drinks and morreee drinks. I swear F&B line is really not meant for me. I don't mind the pace of the job but it's just that.. I don't fancy what I had to do. That's it. It was pure hard labour. Thank god for the moolahs.. if not, I would never accept it.
But the verdicts are..
I got hugged by Edison Chen! swee bo? He was asking for directions and because the background was extremely noisy, he talked to me damn cllosee.... swee la!
There were several drunkards who were really making a big mess on the carpet and on me. Spilling those drinks everywhere, forcing me to get them more drinks. I guess that's the experience I would never get to see anywhere else.
Of course there were a few darlings who remembered me and by the 3rd day of the event, started finding me by name and wanting me only to serve them drinks. Like as if it would make any difference to our pay. But yes, I was definitely really touched. One lady even insisted I took a photo with her. Hah! Several others said I was the best waitress for the night. HAPPY!
Minus all the fancy sparkling events.. it all sizzles when I logged on to FB.
I saw photos of people went house visiting with friends and family. Aunts taking all posing photos, uncles having some form of deep talk, friends smiling cheesily at the camera. I missed out all those smiles while working.. I wish.. I really did wish I could be around you people. I'm sorry I prioritise money first.
I really do hope we get to see each other soon....
Meanwhile, something to make me cheer up. THIS THURSDAY!! A TRIP DOWN TO SENTOSA. =)
All those glitz and glamour, makes me wanna work harder. We shall drink champagne, eat mini bites and get loads of invitations to all sort of events! I miss ya.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Rabbit Hole
In the midst of being thankful surrounded by the best mates,
I couldn't help but to reflect that for those who are in a relationship, we are somewhat binded by our partner's perception and outlook.
Despite how we reiterate we are an individual and having someone to love would not change how we work, breathe, live and eat.. I'm sure those of you in a relationship have somewhat realised that you begin to do certain things you normally would not do, or doing something beyond your comprehension.. or even, subconciously changing your appearance.
Well, it started with a passing remark by a friend- "Babe, this is unlike you. Why are you keeping long hair?" staring hard, burning deep into my eyes. "Is he happy?"
FYI, Mr Big never implicitly said he wanted me to keep long hair. It's a subconcious attempt to please your partner that you start to begin move away from what you would think it's "ok". And you hope, your changes, no matter how small, would do big in your partner's heart.
How some friends started to distance away from me because their partner's refused to allow them being friends with me. How big a threat I am, I never would know. But I guess big enough to still create a tremor when my name is seen being saved on their partner's phone. They may never realised it but these are the same people who laughed at others being controlled by their partners. Subconciously or conciously, to please their partner, they would severed ties with their friends.
I'm just saying this because I never knew myself that I would be in this situation. No matter how small the actions are.... we change.
We are forever changing. I hope the changes do good to them. I always believe a relationship is one that is not only about love but one full of enriching flow of energy that benefits both parties. There is no point being with someone that doesn't give you satisfaction in life.
So if you do change, I hope you change because you like it and it do good for you. Not to please and shut your partner off.
I couldn't help but to reflect that for those who are in a relationship, we are somewhat binded by our partner's perception and outlook.
Despite how we reiterate we are an individual and having someone to love would not change how we work, breathe, live and eat.. I'm sure those of you in a relationship have somewhat realised that you begin to do certain things you normally would not do, or doing something beyond your comprehension.. or even, subconciously changing your appearance.
Well, it started with a passing remark by a friend- "Babe, this is unlike you. Why are you keeping long hair?" staring hard, burning deep into my eyes. "Is he happy?"
FYI, Mr Big never implicitly said he wanted me to keep long hair. It's a subconcious attempt to please your partner that you start to begin move away from what you would think it's "ok". And you hope, your changes, no matter how small, would do big in your partner's heart.
How some friends started to distance away from me because their partner's refused to allow them being friends with me. How big a threat I am, I never would know. But I guess big enough to still create a tremor when my name is seen being saved on their partner's phone. They may never realised it but these are the same people who laughed at others being controlled by their partners. Subconciously or conciously, to please their partner, they would severed ties with their friends.
I'm just saying this because I never knew myself that I would be in this situation. No matter how small the actions are.... we change.
We are forever changing. I hope the changes do good to them. I always believe a relationship is one that is not only about love but one full of enriching flow of energy that benefits both parties. There is no point being with someone that doesn't give you satisfaction in life.
So if you do change, I hope you change because you like it and it do good for you. Not to please and shut your partner off.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I finally bought George Orwell- 1984!
Yes yes, I know. It's been around for so long. I've been lusting for it since JC but I knew no one who owns the book. Well, I did eventually knew one who owns. But he insisted I might not understand the book, in which this pisses me off. So nein, I didnt asked from him ever again. Im so glad I finally own the book.
I was hanging at Borders for 2 hours, pretty much lost track of the time. I was browsing the modern classics, all time favourites, autobiography.. I fell in love with all the books. Engaging, descriptive, almost visual. How I wished I could write with such meticulous detail and leaving a big mark on my readers. Oh and how I have such a soft spot for books that is of true story but written in narrative style? I almost wanted to buy this book about a girl who was sold by her mother, a mamasan, to be a callgirl. But with the limited amount of cash I had, I chose the best two instead: 1984 and Half The Sky.
Half The Sky by Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl Wudunn:
In short, it's about the state of women around the world. Being a fast reader I am, I actually managed to finish the first chapter and I knew I MUST get the book. How women are deprived from basic necessity in other places around the world.. Well, I must say I have to thank God that I never suffered such fate- Searching for income but ended brutally abused at a brothel or almost killed for speaking bringing 'shame' to the family. It's really difficult to read without feeling anything.
If you are interested in knowing more, do check WWW.HALFTHESKYMOVEMENT.ORG :)
Nineteen Eighty-four [1984] by George Orwell:
Written way back 40/50s, Orwell envisioned a world full of surpressed brought about by the government. A literary political fiction, it has been classified as both modern classic and all time favourites. It's scary to read.. How minds are controlled, suppressed lives and propaganda. There are too many themes for met to share, so I suggest Wiki it if you like this kind of stuff.
I love books. I can breathe, eat, sleep reading all the time. Hah. I swear, apart from asking a big walk-in wardrobe, I'm going to ask for a library...unless... Unless National Library willing to loan a room for me.
I think secretly I wanted to be in the Arts movement. Not drama but perhaps literature, painting etc. But I know I would never pursue it. I just fear I might hate it in the end. I hate to work under pressure for the things that I love. Certain things are meant to savour not rushed.
There are so many things in my head. But I dont seem to be able to write it all down. I dont know how to start. Hell, I dont even know what exactly it is Im thinking of.
Salam Lebaran to everyone. Hopefully, I can visit to some of you peeps houses soon. and of course, eat kueh raya. hah! =)
Yes yes, I know. It's been around for so long. I've been lusting for it since JC but I knew no one who owns the book. Well, I did eventually knew one who owns. But he insisted I might not understand the book, in which this pisses me off. So nein, I didnt asked from him ever again. Im so glad I finally own the book.
I was hanging at Borders for 2 hours, pretty much lost track of the time. I was browsing the modern classics, all time favourites, autobiography.. I fell in love with all the books. Engaging, descriptive, almost visual. How I wished I could write with such meticulous detail and leaving a big mark on my readers. Oh and how I have such a soft spot for books that is of true story but written in narrative style? I almost wanted to buy this book about a girl who was sold by her mother, a mamasan, to be a callgirl. But with the limited amount of cash I had, I chose the best two instead: 1984 and Half The Sky.
Half The Sky by Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl Wudunn:
In short, it's about the state of women around the world. Being a fast reader I am, I actually managed to finish the first chapter and I knew I MUST get the book. How women are deprived from basic necessity in other places around the world.. Well, I must say I have to thank God that I never suffered such fate- Searching for income but ended brutally abused at a brothel or almost killed for speaking bringing 'shame' to the family. It's really difficult to read without feeling anything.
If you are interested in knowing more, do check WWW.HALFTHESKYMOVEMENT.ORG :)
Nineteen Eighty-four [1984] by George Orwell:
Written way back 40/50s, Orwell envisioned a world full of surpressed brought about by the government. A literary political fiction, it has been classified as both modern classic and all time favourites. It's scary to read.. How minds are controlled, suppressed lives and propaganda. There are too many themes for met to share, so I suggest Wiki it if you like this kind of stuff.
I love books. I can breathe, eat, sleep reading all the time. Hah. I swear, apart from asking a big walk-in wardrobe, I'm going to ask for a library...unless... Unless National Library willing to loan a room for me.
I think secretly I wanted to be in the Arts movement. Not drama but perhaps literature, painting etc. But I know I would never pursue it. I just fear I might hate it in the end. I hate to work under pressure for the things that I love. Certain things are meant to savour not rushed.
There are so many things in my head. But I dont seem to be able to write it all down. I dont know how to start. Hell, I dont even know what exactly it is Im thinking of.
Salam Lebaran to everyone. Hopefully, I can visit to some of you peeps houses soon. and of course, eat kueh raya. hah! =)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
21st Birthday Party
I had a blasting 3 wonderful birthday parties with different group of loves :)
Photos have been uploaded on FB and here is my account of how I had celebrated my birthday.
[4th Sep, Saturday]
Javier had been pretty much keeping mum about certain stuff and speaking excessive mandarin around me days before that. He asked me out, supposedly alone. AND that is suspicious. He would more or less wont have the audacity to ask me out alone.. so something was definitely up his sleeve.
and I pretty much figure it all out when I woke up in the morning and received a SMS from a classmate wishing me Happy Birthday and to enjoy my day "later"..
But! I was pretty surprised and almost burst into tears when I saw the first card/ jigsaw puzzle. Jav's card was pretty heartwarming. I seriously have a soft spot on homemade stuff or letters. So yeah, I'm pretty traditional in that sense. I love letters, cards, anything that is self-made. :)
The following cards came quickly after that. I was extremely pleased and amazed by their work! Didn't expect them to do such things at all! They even stayed back in school to do the card. Damn!
We ate at Manhattan Fish Market, all 10 of us. They bought me a Guess wallet. I was already contented until... we jumped at the back of the car and headed to Marina Barrage. GREAT! KITE FLYING!! KITES KITES KITES! What a brilliant way to end my already perfect night!
I was extremely happy. I mean even the word happy is an understatement! I never expected a surprise from them!
[5th Sept, Sunday]
I had dinner with parents, siblings and the two lil notty monkeys and of course, my beloved aunt and uncle [cik Jo and Mak Ya]
Mak ya bought me 6 Cathay movie passes! That is prolly one of the coolest gifts ever!
And the night ended with the 3 sisters and bro rushing to Geylang to buy some Ramadhan dishes. Ayam goreng, takoyaki, kebab.. *drools.
[6th sept, Monday]
Happy birthday to me. :)
I actually went to school! Can you believe it? Mom wanted to leave because she wanted to clean the house and Mr Big is not ready until later in the day. So I lingered around school, all dressed up and endured being laughed by my 3 close buds for being extremely girlish. Bunch of idiotic boys.
So I met Mr Big at City Hall where he insist like a notty boy that I should be getting my Dr. Martens boots. The one I've been lusting for yearsss... The one that would complete my life! and I did! I got a soft black leather boots. So soft, i swear I could go sock-less! And so I thought, that's definitely the coolest gift I'm going to get. Well, damn wrong la!
We went for dinner and I was tricked to thinking that we would go Prickly Bush to have a dessert! I had a huge surprise when suddenly, all my friends are there. WHAT THE... I was bloody stunned and lost of words. I didn't saw that coming at all.
AND I didn't expect the excessive amount of lavish gifts that followed. Coach wristlet, cookies, Longchamp backpack, borders $50 value, flowers, Bose earphones, gecko diamond pendant/ lucky charm, one-off perfume, shawl, handmade cards, bodyshop set.. I had three bags full of gifts! How is that!? But I aint complaining. Hah!
I'm glad. I'm grateful. and even without all these lavish gifts, I would still be surprised and no less delighted to be in the company of such amazing friends.
Thank you to those who celebrated my birthday. It means a lot to me and truly, for every cake i blew the candles off, it wasn't anything about me that I wish for. I cant say what I wish because it wont happen but I think you get the idea, no? =)
God bless all of you-- my family and sweet friends.
Hari Raya is in a couple of minutes. To everyone, if I had offended you in any manner, I'm sorry. Enjoy the celebration while you peeps can. and to those who are working, I WANT ANG POW! Thank you!
Peace. Love. Celebration.
Photos have been uploaded on FB and here is my account of how I had celebrated my birthday.
[4th Sep, Saturday]
Javier had been pretty much keeping mum about certain stuff and speaking excessive mandarin around me days before that. He asked me out, supposedly alone. AND that is suspicious. He would more or less wont have the audacity to ask me out alone.. so something was definitely up his sleeve.
and I pretty much figure it all out when I woke up in the morning and received a SMS from a classmate wishing me Happy Birthday and to enjoy my day "later"..
But! I was pretty surprised and almost burst into tears when I saw the first card/ jigsaw puzzle. Jav's card was pretty heartwarming. I seriously have a soft spot on homemade stuff or letters. So yeah, I'm pretty traditional in that sense. I love letters, cards, anything that is self-made. :)
The following cards came quickly after that. I was extremely pleased and amazed by their work! Didn't expect them to do such things at all! They even stayed back in school to do the card. Damn!
We ate at Manhattan Fish Market, all 10 of us. They bought me a Guess wallet. I was already contented until... we jumped at the back of the car and headed to Marina Barrage. GREAT! KITE FLYING!! KITES KITES KITES! What a brilliant way to end my already perfect night!
I was extremely happy. I mean even the word happy is an understatement! I never expected a surprise from them!
[5th Sept, Sunday]
I had dinner with parents, siblings and the two lil notty monkeys and of course, my beloved aunt and uncle [cik Jo and Mak Ya]
Mak ya bought me 6 Cathay movie passes! That is prolly one of the coolest gifts ever!
And the night ended with the 3 sisters and bro rushing to Geylang to buy some Ramadhan dishes. Ayam goreng, takoyaki, kebab.. *drools.
[6th sept, Monday]
Happy birthday to me. :)
I actually went to school! Can you believe it? Mom wanted to leave because she wanted to clean the house and Mr Big is not ready until later in the day. So I lingered around school, all dressed up and endured being laughed by my 3 close buds for being extremely girlish. Bunch of idiotic boys.
So I met Mr Big at City Hall where he insist like a notty boy that I should be getting my Dr. Martens boots. The one I've been lusting for yearsss... The one that would complete my life! and I did! I got a soft black leather boots. So soft, i swear I could go sock-less! And so I thought, that's definitely the coolest gift I'm going to get. Well, damn wrong la!
We went for dinner and I was tricked to thinking that we would go Prickly Bush to have a dessert! I had a huge surprise when suddenly, all my friends are there. WHAT THE... I was bloody stunned and lost of words. I didn't saw that coming at all.
AND I didn't expect the excessive amount of lavish gifts that followed. Coach wristlet, cookies, Longchamp backpack, borders $50 value, flowers, Bose earphones, gecko diamond pendant/ lucky charm, one-off perfume, shawl, handmade cards, bodyshop set.. I had three bags full of gifts! How is that!? But I aint complaining. Hah!
I'm glad. I'm grateful. and even without all these lavish gifts, I would still be surprised and no less delighted to be in the company of such amazing friends.
Thank you to those who celebrated my birthday. It means a lot to me and truly, for every cake i blew the candles off, it wasn't anything about me that I wish for. I cant say what I wish because it wont happen but I think you get the idea, no? =)
God bless all of you-- my family and sweet friends.
Hari Raya is in a couple of minutes. To everyone, if I had offended you in any manner, I'm sorry. Enjoy the celebration while you peeps can. and to those who are working, I WANT ANG POW! Thank you!
Peace. Love. Celebration.
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